الأربعاء، آب ١٥، ٢٠٠٧

Responses regarding "Can we really separate Judaism from Zionism?"


What makes your argument very problematic to me is that we can use it “the same argument” to condemn Christianity, since Christianity actually emerged from Judaism.

Christianity has a close relationship with Judaism, both historically and theologically. In fact, Christianity and Judaism are likely the most similar religions. Christianity and Judaism share the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) as the authoritative Word of God, Christianity and Judaism have basically the same ethical code, commonly known today as Judeo-Christian. Both Judaism and Christianity teach that God has a special plan for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.

Therefore, every true Christian is required by his faith to believe in the theory of the “divine promise” and the concept of “chosen people” as part of the “old testament”.


Mohammad Riyad


Response to Comment:

Actually historically speaking, Christianity and Judaism were at odds until the Protestant Reformation came along. Catholicism and Christian Orthodox churches have been more anti-Jewish than Muslims as a matter of fact. Only when Christianity was 'reformed' so to speak was it possible for Judaism to be infused into Christianity, and even then, that process was not completed thoroughly except with the bizarre emergence of Christian Zionism. Christians have always held the Jews accountable for the crucification of Christ, and have therefore had a very tenuous relationship with Jews in religious as well as secular terms - Ibrahim Alloush.

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