السبت، تشرين الأول ٢٠، ٢٠٠٧

Declaration of the Arab Nationalist List on the US Senate Resolution on the Partition of Iraq

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The unity of all who believe in the rights of the Arab Nation, in the single destiny, and the struggle, will crush the plot to partition Iraq and re-partition the Arab homeland.

Support for the cause of one united Arab Nation is the only way to resist fragmentation.

The Arab Nationalist list condemns in the strongest possible terms the resolution passed by the US Senate on 26 September 2007 providing for the partition of Iraq, a resolution whose framers claimed was “non binding” only because the US Senate officially has no legal jurisdiction over Iraq. The resolution, nevertheless, is a reflection of the practical actions that have been underway on the ground since the occupation in 2003 aimed at the partition of Iraq and of the areas surrounding it, for Iraq is not suspended in a vacuum.

This resolution also reflects the agreement of all the main circles in the American ruling elite for the continuation of the American plan for global hegemony, and at the same time for the Zionist plan to split up the Arab Nation, a plan that has been expressly laid out in Zionist documents and studies since the 1950s.

It is therefore not only the great country of Iraq that is targeted by these plans for partition and fragmentation. Yet as we commit ourselves to taking a stand against this fragmentation together with all the honorable members of our nation, we call particularly on all Iraqis, from the north to the south and the east to the west of the country, to be aware of these plans for the break up and subjugation of Iraq, plans aimed at pulling it out of the Arab national struggle, at stripping and plundering it of its resources, and at neutralizing and rendering impotent its resistance struggle.

We call on all Iraqi, Arab, and international forces and personalities to take one united stand against this plan, to frustrate the enemy’s attempts, and to preserve Iraq as one united, strong, and unassailable unit.

As to those who collaborate with the occupation and its plans, the noble Kurdish people will, after liberation, reckon with the criminal Peshmergah forces and their Kurdish stooge leaders who have silenced the voices of truth in the precious northern region of Iraq and have murdered hundreds of Kurdish patriots who reject the occupation and its crimes. The same fate awaits those who belong to the so-called Mahdi Army and the Badr Forces. Our people in southern Iraq who displayed heroism and zeal in defense of the country since the 1920 Revolution against British colonialism will take care of those criminals after the liberation and even before it, compelling them to flee from Iraq to Iran once again – but this time for ever! Here it is necessary to mention the Iranian regime, whose responsibility for pursuing plans to partition Iraq is equal to that of the American-Zionist side, which is now coming to understand that it too will be paying Iran the price for the partition of Iraq.

The patriotic forces that today forcefully reject partition will take their stand against it tomorrow and the day after and will never allow anyone to implement it under any pretext or excuse.

It is now becoming clear to everyone that the Arab Nation faces a new Sykes-Picot project for the re-partition of the already partitioned and fragmented Nation – the “New Middle East” plan that was laid out by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during the Zionist aggression against Lebanon in the summer of 2006. Therefore what is taking place in Iraq cannot be separated from the plan to partition the Sudan or from the American-Zionist escalation against Syria. This reality demands that we focus equally emphatically on the unity and Arab character of Iraq, on defense of the unity and Arab character of the Sudan, Syria, and the entire Arab homeland. This reality demands furthermore that, beyond the direct and immediate opposition to those hostile plans, we must confront them fundamentally on an Arab national basis, and must lay down a program of Arab national tasks that does not overlook the unique character of each region and its own the special situation.

Defeating the plan to fragment Iraq demands among other things:

First. The immediate unification of all the Iraqi resistance groups without exception. The situation where there is insufficient unity of the Iraqi resistance groups, where only certain blocs have come together based on ideological affinity or sectarian common ground, represents a serious inadequacy. Instead of fostering unity, this situation leaves the enemy opportunities to split up the resistance. We strongly warn here against sectarian and tribal divisions, against the rampant charges of betrayal of the faith that arise between heroic Iraqi resistance groups – a situation that threatens to allow the enemy to drive wedges between the forces resisting the occupation. All the forces of the resistance must reject and resist this.

Second. There can be no unity unless it is founded on basic principles. In today’s Iraq this specifically means that the emphasis must be on the unity and Arab character of Iraq, and any political or electoral activity under the occupation must be boycotted. Anything that grows out of such political or electoral activity must be rejected. This includes deals with foreign oil companies providing for the plunder of Iraq’s resources. The course of armed struggle and martyrdom action only against the occupation and its stooges must be affirmed, and the fight must be continued until the liberation of the last foot of Iraqi soil from the occupation has been achieved.

Third. We must act to provide material, political, and informational support for the Islamic and patriotic resistance in Iraq, exposing all the plots woven against it that are aimed at robbing it of its political role and preventing it from benefiting from its costly sacrifices. In this context we reaffirm that the Iraqi resistance must be regarded as the sole legitimate representative of the noble Iraqi people.

Fourth. Fronts for the support of the Iraqi resistance must be formed inside and outside Iraq on the above-mentioned basis.

On the level of the Arab Nation, defeating the plan for fragmentation demands among other things:

First: The masses of our Arab people, their political parties and trade unions and associations everywhere, must denounce and condemn the plot to partition Iraq as the preface for the re-partition of the Arab homeland on ethnic and sectarian bases. Intellectuals and militants committed to the welfare of the nation must send to all the sons and daughters of the Arab homeland a clear and unequivocal message about the crucially dangerous situation, pointing out that the resolution on the partition of Iraq is a criminal act whose destructive effects will outdo all the crimes committed by the American administration in Iraq and all the crimes committed by the Zionists in Palestine. It will potentially result in the severest damage being inflicted in every region of the Arab homeland in the form of massacres, civil wars, and social destruction.

Second. All the Arab resistance groups must come together and effect coordination between Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, and wherever there is a liberation movement. “Each of the resistance movements in the Arab homeland must be regarded as objectively strengthening the others and serving the interests of the Arab Nation, leading to unity among them for the sake of joint action for the one common cause,” as the Declaration of the Arab Nationalist List issued on 17 July 2006 said in its call for support for the Lebanese resistance. Every resistance organization that refuses to support and back the resistance inside Iraq and in the other parts of the Arab homeland will bear an enormous responsibility for which it will be called to account before God, themselves, history, and the whole Arab Nation. This is true for all without exception, regardless of religious sect or ideological identity.

Third. Upholding the general principles of the Arab Nation must be affirmed at this historic stage, the most important being those laid out in the Arab Nationalist List meeting in the Arabian Gulf on 23 September 2005, and confirmed in the meeting of the Arab Nationalist List in Jordan on 18 March 2006, which declared:

“The participants affirmed that the ideal form for such an organized Arab people’s movement is not an organization or a party, but the form of a broad current based on the principle of pluralism within the boundaries of firm principles, chief among which are:

1. The Arab character of all Arab territory,

2. Refusal to cooperate with the enemies of the Arab Nation or with their political or non-political plans,

3. Affirmation of the Arab-Islamic cultural identity of the Arab homeland,

4. Regarding the Jews in Palestine as the foundation of the Zionist project, regardless of any leftist or humanitarian intentions or desires, and

5. Commitment to the course of resistance in political positions and practical work.

Fourth. A united Arab nationalist front must be established in the Arab homeland made up of all personalities and forces, of all leftist, Arab nationalist, and Islamic personalities committed to those principles. There is no value in having a front that is based on compromise agreements between right and wrong, compromises that quickly slide into what is unacceptable. Such a united Arab nationalist front constitutes the only historical solution that guarantees the defeat of all plans hostile to the Arab Nation and the attainment of the grand Arab goals of unity, liberation, and renaissance. If we want to triumph, we have no option but to set up an Arab popular front that comprises all the regions of the Arab homeland and to adopt this front a defensive and offensive program the axis of which is preservation of Arab identity and resistance to all hegemonic plans - be they American or some other; the defense of the independence and unity of the land and people of the Arab regions, in particular fraternal Iraq; the rejection of their subjugation to any international or regional forces; the adoption and strengthening of the culture of resistance – including the culture of resisting normalization and of boycotting American products; and absolute faith in the Arab character of the land, the need to struggle for its unification, upholding the course of armed struggle, and the liberation of all occupied Arab lands, and in the first place of all of the natural land of Palestine from the Jordan River to the sea.

The popular will of the Arab Nation expects honorable militants, freedom activists, and all the vital forces of the nation to couple their verbal rejection of partition with deliberate action of various types. The only effective practical response to the plans to partition Iraq lies in the unity of the Arab national and Islamic struggle, always on the basis of its firm principles, and via cementing the militant organic ties between the patriotic, Arab, and Islamic resistance movements, in particular those in Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and the rest of the Arab regions. This is the least that can be done at this difficult stage through which the Great Arab Homeland from the Atlantic to the Gulf is now passing.

The Arab nationalist, patriotic, and Islamic forces and personalities today bear a historic responsibility, perhaps the greatest in the history of our nation. This is the responsibility to carry out deliberate and collective resistance to the great plot. They must put the supreme interests above those of parties or ideologies. The fact that the Arab regimes cannot be relied on for anything – if in fact they do not engage in complete collaboration with the enemies of the Arab Nation – only increases the importance of the task placed on the shoulders of all of us as Arab citizens.

Therefore we on the Arab Nationalist List believe that what is taking place once again confirms that the course of Arab unity is the only way to confront the plots for fragmentation and that the unity of all who believe in the rights of the Arab Nation, in its single destiny, and its struggle will be the force that will without doubt crush the plot to partition Iraq and re-partition the Arab homeland.

Long live Iraq, united, free, and Arab, with respect for all its constituents!

Long live the Iraqi patriotic and Islamic resistance, the sole legitimate representative of the people of Iraq!

Long live the unity of the armed resistance, the key to the liberation of Iraq!

The Arab Nationalist List.

19 October 2007

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