الجمعة، تموز ١٣، ٢٠٠٧

Hizbullah and the Iraq Resistance

(Please also see the response to this posting above. --A.N. Weblog editorial committee)

Ziad Shaker elJishi,
Chairman of the North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism (NACAZAI)

Many were misled by the events which took place in Lebanon this last July when Hizbullah and the Lebanese resistance appeared to have defeated the US planned invasion of Lebanon – and invasion which was carried out by the Zionist enemy “Israel”.

Hizbullah’s popularity skyrocketed. Pictures of its leader Hasan Nasrallah were being circulated all over the Muslim and Arab world. This included regular showings of Hizbullah flags and posters in popular Arab and Muslim demonstrations. Even the pictures of Ayatollah Khomeini, a sworn enemy of the Arab nation, began to be distributed in mosques throughout 1967 occupied Palestine- something unheard of only a few years before.

Yet after the assassination of President Saddam Hussein this popularity took on a downward turn with many abandoning their support of Hizbullah and Hasan Nasrallah.

What prompted this change of heart? How did the Arab and Muslim streets suddenly become awaken to the true role of Hizbullah in the region after the murder of the heroic Al Mujahid Saddam Hussein?

In fact, the war was larger than Lebanon itself. In essence, it was a showdown between Iran and the United States, who were vying for increased influence in the region after the occupation of Ba’athist Iraq.

What illuminated and showed the true colors of Hizbullah, reaffirming and exposing its client role in the service of Iran, was the Iraqi Ba’ath and the ongoing war in Iraq.

In fact the Lebanese war against “Israel” was to distract from the more important fight taking place in Iraq in which the Iraqi resistance was clearly winning and inflicting heavy losses onto the US invaders and Persian plans for hegemony.

In essence, the US wanted to distract attention from its defeat in Iraq at the hands of the Iraqi resistance, amongst which was the Iraqi Ba’ath. It ordered “Israel” to launch an offensive onto Lebanon in a mockery war that could serve to divert attention from Iraq as well as disarm Hizbullah in Lebanon, driving out the last remnant of Iranian influence there at a time when Iran hegemony was competing with US imperialism for the “right” to subjugate both the Arab homeland and Afghanistan.

It was a show-down with the Iranians that the US hoped would remove Iranian influence from Lebanon after the Syrian withdrawal. From the Iranian side, the hope was to divert attention from its criminal role against fellow Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan and the death squads it was funding to kill Iraqi and Palestinian Arabs.

In this regional conflict between the US and Iran, the Arabs were victimized once again. The Palestinian cause to be hijacked by Iran, as Iraq was being engulf in conspiracies of fragmentation and sectarian division put forward by the Americans and Iranians in a struggle over the distribution of bounty after Iraq had been occupied and Al Mujahid President Saddam Hussein, proud lion of Tikriti, was martyred.

The ties between Hizbullah and Iran are no secret, but what has been disturbing is the increasingly blind support for Hizbullah which we saw in the Arab street after the American-“Israeli” invasion of Lebanon was spoiled last July.

This all changed after the assassination of President Saddam Hussein. Things were made clear when Hasan Nasrallah did not utter a word of condemnation for the assassination of President Saddam Hussein, and instead tacitly defended his execution while denying the hegemonistic ambitions of its Iranian masters.

Hasan Nasrallah, who tells us that he cares about Palestine and Palestinians, did nothing when the Iranian thugs in Baghdad and elsewhere were killing Palestinians through their stooges in Iraq, the Mahdi army of mercenaries and the treacherous Iranian-run Badr Brigades.

In fact, after the murder of President Saddam Hussein, Hizbullah’s popularity and the popularity of Hasan Nasrallah greatly diminished in the Arab and Islamic streets. By contrast, the stature of President Saddam Hussein has grown tremendously and he has risen to the stature of father of all modern martyrs.

The masses began to see the flunky role played by Hizbullah in its service Iran, especially in their position on Iraq. Hizbullah was simply executing an Iranian plan for hegemony of the Arab lands in the Fertile Crescent, including the hijacking of the Palestinian cause.

After the fall of the Iraqi Ba’ath, Iran’s hegemony over the region became ever-clearer. Most, if not all, of the Fertile Crescent fell in the hands of the Mullah’s of Persia, and today the whole of the Arab Gulf and Iraq, like Palestine, is struggling in a resistant spirit to affirm its Arab identity.

Nowhere is this clearer than the US-Persian occupation of Iraq. Through Muqtada alSadr, Baqr Al Hakeen, and Ali Al Sistani, the Iranians have taken over politically via their militias, agents, and the floods of Persians pouring into Iraq. Inserting themselves into the puppet government set up by the American occupation forces, they have taken control of key posts in the puppet police and interior ministry. They commit covert and overt operations which incite sectarian killings and bombings of holy places; hoping to bring about a civil war between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims. This is part of the Persian conspiracy to swallow the Arab Character of Iraq and bring Baghdad into the Persian Empire.

Persian agents have been implicated in hijackings, “i-d killings” of Sunni Iraqis, and the torture and execution as well as ethnic cleansing of whole-sale Sunni neighborhoods. Those directly involved in this are the Badr brigade and AlMahdi army of Muqtada Al Sadr. Such is done through notorious Iranian criminals like Jalal Al Sagheer of Al Barath torture center and Khesrawai and others.

The Americans have now advanced the notion that the Lebanese Hizbullah trains and arms the Mahdi army in Iraq.

As published in the New York Times (Nov. 2007) *, 300 men were sent by the Mahdi army into Lebanon to fight against “Israel” last July. In turn. 1,000 – 2,000 fighters from the Al Mahdi army were trained in Lebanon by Hizbullah.

Al Sadr even boasts of this connection to Hizbullah**. He’s quoted saying that Hizbullah and the Al Mahdi army are two faces of the same coin. In essence, he’s correct. The resemblance is obvious for those who view both as extensions of Iranian sectarian programs for hegemony in the region.

As we clearly do not trust US imperialist sources, our main reference then comes from the Iraqi resistance itself who has made clear in several communications the link between the Al Mahdi army and Hizbullah.

One communiqué of the Iraqi resistance, provided by the Iraq Brigades of the South makes such a link making the link between Hizbullah in Lebanon and the Mahdi army of Muqtada alSadr. ***

Even Aljazeera on its news website (July, 2, 2007) reported the apprehension of a Lebanese Hizbullah party member by the name of Ali Mousa Daqdouq.**** Daqdoug apparently infiltrated into Iraq via Iran, and was arrested by the Americans last February in AlBasra. He was believed to be involved in areas where the AlMahdi army operates in attacking US troops. Daqdouq is alleged by the American to be a bomb making expert.

The latest wheeling and dealing taking place was the Iranian-American meeting in Sharm elShiekh. Here the negotiations over the fragmentation of Iraq between Iran and the US had taken place with the complicity and blessings of the regional comprador regimes of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

The Iranian nuclear demands coupled to the victory of Hizbullah in southern Lebanon, added to the defeat of the US in Iraq had strengthened Iran’s negotiating position with the US. However, such a phenomenom should not be seen as the victory of the forces of unity against US imperialism and Zionism, but a complicated struggle between US imperialism and Persian hegemony for the usurpation of the Arab character and resistance option.

This international fight against the US had manifested itself in Iran’s strong maneuvering in the Arabian region making several important advances.

In the Arabian Gulf, it has moved strongly inciting its followers in Bahrain. It has a great presence in Lebanon through Hizbullah, is occupying large sectors of Iraq, has an ally in Syria it coordinates with, and has made strong links with both Al Jihad Al Islami and Hamas in Palestine.

This would have never happened if it weren’t for the destruction of the Iraqi Ba’ath, the murder of President Saddam Hussein, and the occupation of Iraq.

Setting the record straight for detractors of the Iraqi Ba’ath, it was the Iraqi Ba’ath and President Saddam Hussein who fought the Mullahs of Tehran for 8 long years, and was a fortress of resistance against their advance into Arabian territory. President Hussein, in a steadfast commitment to the Arab homeland was the first to understand the true danger of the Persian hegemonist threat and fought it as he did the Zionist entity, western imperialism, and the Arab comprador regimes.

The view that the “Israeli”-Hizbullah fight in Lebanon is solely a ‘Lebanese’ issue ignores the geo-political reality of the Iranian dimension to this war. Any person taking such a position is either ignorant or an opportunist.
The war in southern Lebanon was a proxy war fought between the Americans and Iranians over the spoils after the Iraqi occupation and the fall of the Iraqi leadership, and to deflect criticism and antagonism from the sphere of Iraq were the true battle wages.

The true war is that taking place in Iraq with the victorious resistance against the US-Iranian occupation.

The implications of a decisive victory of the resistance in Iraq are tremendous. In light of this victory, the Iranian-American program for the region will be defeated.

Many have asked why we now stand against Hizbullah.

We do this because Hizbullah and Hasan Nasrallah have two serious limitations that they themselves imposed and must be held accountable for.

First Hizbullah chose to represent a sect in Lebanon. That means it is a sectarian organization that cannot possibly offer a long-term solution to the Arab nation or Islamic Ummah.

Second, Hizbullah has chosen to be a flunky of Iran and work against the resistance struggles in Iraq and Afghanistan. That means its political ceiling is one dictated by Iranian desires and plans for the region. This means that Hizbullah executes,in the Arab homeland, Iranian objectives and goals - goals antagonistic to the objectives of the Arab nation for liberation, its unitary mission and the preservation of its Arab character and identity.

When by not uttering a word against the murder of President Saddam Hussein, at a time that the President was leading a resistance war in a fellow Arab country, Hasan Nasrallah gave political cover and legitimacy to that murder. His role became even clearer when he shows his failure to put into practice actual material support for the liberation project in Iraq.

Hasan Nasrallah, as such, does not represent a liberation or progressive program for the Arab nation or Islamic Ummah. Rather he presents a sectarian and Iranian program for us, and must be exposed and confronted.

Hizbullah could have chosen to be part of the Arab nation it belongs to. It could have chosen to have an independent and sovereign position from Iran, to rely on his own resources and people, but it chose not to do so. As patriots of the Arab nation and Allah, we can never accept the negation of our heritage and identity.

The most important and popular fight right now is that of the Iraqi resistance led by the Iraqi Baath and the various National and Islamic forces, the victorious outcome of this epoch battle will bring a new light of hope in the defeat and destruction of the Iranian, American, and Zionist program for the region.

2. http://www.counterpunch.org/patrick06042007.html
3. http://alrafdean.org/modules.php?name=News&file
4. http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/F06E0D8B-BE98

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