الأحد، تموز ١٥، ٢٠٠٧

On anti-imperialism and Turkish nationalism


Following a series of exchanges on the Arab Nationalist List, where member John Paul Cupp posted two comments regarding anti-imperialism, "Motherland Defense", Turkish nationalism, and the Armenian genocide, and a comment by the Workers' Party of Turkey, some members of the A.N List saw fit to respond as quoted below. Dogu Perincek, chairman of the WPT, is controversial for his views doubting the Armenian genocide, and for which he was persecuted in some European countries who have laws against this kind of speech.

First comment by John Paul Cupp:

Dear all,

The Worker's Party of Turkey is one of my favorite leftist groups in the world, and one of the few that are actually relevant and willing to take on the task of building socialism from the standpoint of ANTI-IMPERIALIST MOTHERLAND DEFENSE, and not play second fiddle to the American-Zionist assaults on national pride and dignity, but at the same time have solidarity with other Third World liberation struggles and regimes, Iraq, Syria, Korea, Cuba, China, etc.

I saw some wonderful pictures of the WPT leading a pro-Iraqi resistance demo and waving the Turkish flag at the same time. Now THAT is revolutionary nationalism and internationalism and the same time.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then this one is worth a million. The WPT is shattering the myth that only reactionary Turkish comprador "nationalism" is genuinely patriotic and willing to take on the silly little myths of the "Armenian Genocide" and the reactionary social role it plays in collusion with Zionism and Imperialism.

Progressive and revolutionary organizations and personages SHOULD get involved in the defense of Comrade Chairman Perincek, as their time allows.

Second comment by John Paul Cupp:

[Context: A.N. List member John Paul Cupp forwarded a newspaper clipping (not clear which newspaper) which shows a picture of Turkish nationalist activist, Mr. Dogu Perincek, holding up a map of the Middle East showing many existing coutries divided into smaller entities and where the borders were redrawn, to the advantage of Zionism and imperialism.]

Dear all,

I thought this was quite good for a number of reasons. First, it demonstrates the US and Zionist attempt to fragment viable nation states and then even further fragment them from there. Second, it demonstrates the viability of Turkish nationalism as a revolutionary Third World force and not simply some pigeon comprador force of the west. Third, this goes back to the point I have made repeatedly about how the best leftists and communists eventually embrace fervant nationalism.

Comment by the Workers' Party of Turkey:

Dear all,

We are very happy to see that friend John Paul shares our stance against imperialism and our motherland defense line.

Workers' Party (Turkey) will run for the general elections on 22nd of July which will be the most important elections in the history of Turkish Republic. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoًan, who confessed that he is also co-president of Greater Middle East Project of US imperialism which has been destroying our region and aiming at redrawing the map of Middle East represents the interests of US imperialism and Sionist Israel.

We pay great importance to develop mutual relations with the other progressive, anti-imperialist forces, organizations to tackle the common enemies.



A.N. List moderators' comment:

Dear AN Members, while we welcome all cooperation with anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist forces worldwide, and appreciate everything that is done in that direction, we cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the fact that Turkey is a hegemonic state built on the ruins of other nations, and that Arabs, Kurds, and Armenians have occupied lands in Turkey. Hence, a genuine internationalist position would recognize the fact that Turkey is not a nation, or a nation-state, but a state where one nationalism dominates other nations. Furthermore, there is a long history of hegemony and occupation that Turkey practiced over surrounding lands and nations that cannot be just glossed over without appropriate recognition. It is true that imperialism is now seeking to fragment nation-states to make way for the advance of finance capital and transnational corporations. It is also true that the leadership of the Kurds has been cooperating with imperialism for that purpose. Naturally, this makes the political leadership of the Kurds in Iraq suspect. The Kurdish Workers Party in Turkey is another story of course. In that case, there is ample evidence that the Turkish state received ample military and financial support throughout the nineties from imperialism to crush the Kurds in southeastern provinces. At any rate, we emphasize the need for anti-imperialist solidarity between all peoples of the region. This, however, does not mean we can forget the millions of Arabs and tens of thousands of square kilometers of Syrian lands that the Turkish state currently occupies.

- AN Moderators.

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